[LCA2015-Chat] [Chat] Flying with soldering irons
Steve Walsh
steve at nerdvana.org.au
Tue Dec 23 14:49:11 EST 2014
Switching this across to the LCA2015 chat list, because I'm sure it's
probably more worthwhile for the people attending LCA2015 to follow,
instead of the people who went to LCA2014.
On 12/23/2014 01:33 PM, Tim Ansell wrote:
> If I remember correctly, I've seen a persons soldering iron been
> confiscated at security (I believe it was a previous LCA?). Knitting
> needles are frequently confiscated which would fall into a similar
> "pointy (but not really)" object category. I wouldn't be taking one as
> carry on because all it takes is a grumpy security agent to end up
> losing it, no matter what the actual rules are.
> Tim 'mithro' Ansell
> On 23 December 2014 at 11:29, Steve Walsh <steve at nerdvana.org.au
> <mailto:steve at nerdvana.org.au>> wrote:
> Jaycar is also in NZ, so worst case you can pick new tips up when
> you arrive.
> If you get into NZ 30 minutes before the miniconf, then find
> someone you know who is getting there early and ask them nicely to
> pick you up a set.
> On 12/23/2014 11:56 AM, Hugh Blemings wrote:
> On 23/12/2014 11:48, Joshua Mesilane wrote:
> And what about that "pointy tip"?
> Ya, I'd wondered about that too.
> If it allows it, removing the tip is probably a reasonable
> step - less likely to be damaged and makes it look less iffy
> on an x-ray.
> Cheers,
> Hugh
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Stephen Walsh: Today included that moment where someone said "Wait, you're *that* Steve Walsh? You are way calmer than the company doco makes you seem"
Gabriel Noronha: I always assumed there was a community service video in the staff induction about you...
Anthony Towns: "Have you recently found yourself set on fire? Perhaps you're bleeding from unusual places? If so you may benefit from learning to SWEAR -- Steve Walsh: Enrage, Apologise, Run away."
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