[LCA2015-Chat] Youtube, Social media + other linux.conf.au links

Lin Nah lin.nah at gmail.com
Sun Feb 1 23:57:25 AEDT 2015

On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 9:16 AM, Martushev, Daniel <daniel.martushev at hp.com>

>  Wow, VERY useful Lin - thanks so much for compiling and sending along!

Thanks. I am glad someone found it useful. As mentioned, some regulars pick
this up along the way and it does help for those who wish to find archives
of previous conference or use rsync for the vids, which you can't w youtube

On 1/02/2015, at 1:25 am, Lin Nah <lin.nah at gmail.com> wrote:

 B. Social Media Links
Twitter list:

https://twitter.com/linuxconfau/lists/lca2015 lists some lca2015 attendees
who were on twitter. I can't say it is highly accurate. If you wish to be
added to it, email me privately with your twitter handle.

Here's others from previous years:
lca2013 https://twitter.com/mikal/lists/lca2013 or
lca2012 https://twitter.com/linuxconfau/lists/lca2012-attendees
lca2011 https://twitter.com/slyall/lists/lca2011
lca2010 https://twitter.com/slyall/lists/lca2010

If anyone created one for lca2014 feel free to reply to this with the link.
The ones I found were too small (less than 10)

Linux Australia is on twitter @linuxaustralia and Linked in

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