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<span id="mailbox-conversation">This morning it was just Ben and myself, but it was still really interesting because we've done such different styles.<div><br></div>
<div>I'm planning to skip the PDNS tonight and head over to Douglas Santos's gym (about 2km from the uni) for a proper intense Jiu Jitsu training session, so if that sounds interesting please let me know. I contacted him before coming to LCA about visiting and he seemed very welcoming.</div>
<div>Jon</div></span><br><br><span class="none"><div class="mailbox_signature" style="display: block;">
<span id="orc-full-body-initial-text" style="display: inline;"><br>On Wednesday, 14 Jan 2015 at 11:53 pm, Mike Tarantino <<a href="mailto:mike@naturalminor.com" target="_blank">mike@naturalminor.com</a>>, wrote:<br></span><blockquote class="gmail_quote">Ditto to this but if jet lag and insomnia get the better of me then I'll <br>see you there!<br><br>-Mike<br><br>On 2015-01-14 04:19, Paul Del wrote:<br>> Hey<br>> I would like to make it but 7am is early on the back of the penguin<br>> dinner so I might not make it.<br>> Cheers<br>> <br>> Android from a tiny tiny keyboard<br>> On 14 Jan, 2015 5:46 PM, "Jonathan Oxer" <jon@oxer.com.au> wrote:<br>> <br>> Since I haven't been able to find anywhere better, I've nominated 7am <br>> tomorrow (Thursday) at the South end of Albert Park as the meeting <br>> place.<br>> <br>> The wiki page has a map and a list of names, so if you're still <br>> interested please come along tomorrow. Absolutely no experience, skill, <br>> or fitness required :-)<br>> <br>> https://linux.conf.au/wiki/Martial_Arts_BoF [1]<br>> <br>> Cheers<br>> <br>> Jon<br>> <br>> On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 6:38 PM, Paul Del <p@delfante.it> wrote:<br>> <br>> hey<br>> <br>> Be great if Daryl is coming and organises.<br>> <br>> If not I will be their and join in<br>> <br>> cheers<br>> <br>> On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 3:19 PM, Jonathan Oxer <jon@oxer.com.au> wrote:<br>> <br>> Last year Daryl Tester organised a Martial Arts BoF, which was a lot of <br>> fun so I want to do it again.<br>> <br>> I don't know if Daryl will be at LCA this year so I've created a page <br>> on the wiki to get things underway just in case he's not there:<br>> <br>> https://linux.conf.au/wiki/Martial_Arts_BoF [1]<br>> <br>> If you'd like to come along please add your name to the wiki page, <br>> perhaps (optionally) with some way to get in touch with you.<br>> <br>> Daryl, if you're on this list and interested in running it again, <br>> awesome! Just let me know if there's anything I can do to help.<br>> <br>> Cheers<br>> <br>> Jonathan Oxer<br>> _______________________________________________<br>> Chat mailing list<br>> Chat@lists.lca2015.linux.org.au<br>> http://lists.lca2015.linux.org.au/mailman/listinfo/chat [2]<br>> <br>> --<br>> <br>> "When service and back up support is everything"<br>> Deltek Technology, Perth, WA<br>> Ph:<a href="tel:08%20636-55-618" x-apple-data-detectors="true" x-apple-data-detectors-type="telephone" x-apple-data-detectors-result="9">08 636-55-618</a> E:p@delfante.it W:deltek.net.au [3]<br>> <br>> Efficient and Simplifying Information Technology Systems<br>> Cutting edge technology Systems saving time/money.<br>> _______________________________________________<br>> Chat mailing list<br>> Chat@lists.lca2015.linux.org.au<br>> http://lists.lca2015.linux.org.au/mailman/listinfo/chat [2]<br>> <br>> _______________________________________________<br>> Chat mailing list<br>> Chat@lists.lca2015.linux.org.au<br>> http://lists.lca2015.linux.org.au/mailman/listinfo/chat [2]<br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> Links:<br>> ------<br>> [1] https://linux.conf.au/wiki/Martial_Arts_BoF<br>> [2] http://lists.lca2015.linux.org.au/mailman/listinfo/chat<br>> [3] http://deltek.net.au<br>> <br>> _______________________________________________<br>> Chat mailing list<br>> Chat@lists.lca2015.linux.org.au<br>> http://lists.lca2015.linux.org.au/mailman/listinfo/chat<br>_______________________________________________<br>Chat mailing list<br>Chat@lists.lca2015.linux.org.au<br>http://lists.lca2015.linux.org.au/mailman/listinfo/chat<br>