<p dir="ltr">An easy way to get stuff into a kindy/school at first is not a complete CD, or liveCD stuff (linux looks like windows for a lay person, there's nothing cool there), but offering to install GCompris for them on whatever they already have running.</p>
<p dir="ltr">The cost of the windows version is a bit of a pest but perhaps that can be covered somehow. Perhaps OpenSTEM can get a grant from LA for this? </p>
<p dir="ltr">At Phoebe's kindy they'd somehow got iMacs to replace really ancient PCs. They also bought some stuff for Mac but GCompris was by far the most popular with the kids.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Exception to the above would be if the school has kinda written off the old pcs, but is willing to see them resurrected. Then you can offer to install linux with gcompris.</p>
<p dir="ltr">If they are regular PCs you don't want to suggest replacing windows as that interferes with the state school it policy or similar stuff. It's counter productive particularly as a first step.<br><br></p>