[LCA2015-Chat] reply-to all on lists always was broken and still is broken, please revert

Marc MERLIN marc at merlins.org
Mon Jan 12 19:28:10 EST 2015

On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 10:45:02PM +1300, Jethro Carr wrote:
> > year.
> > http://marc.merlins.org/netrants/listreplyto.html
> >  
> > Can someone please revert this breakage?
> One person’s breakage is another person’s feature.

Yes, mostly preventing reply to author for some Email clients is a

(and not that it means anything, but I've been a mail and list admin,
including sourceforge with 100K+ lists, so I have some experience with
all sides of this, there and back, and got the tshirt)

On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 09:08:27PM +1100, George Patterson wrote:
> I'd be reluctant to change it this week but could be on the list for later
> consideration.
> In my opinion, those that do not sanity check the reply list before sending
> an email is asking for trouble.

I do, but if I use my cell phone, it's really a pain to have to manually
override a reply-to I didn't ask for and doesn't belong.
Besides, it's bad to randomly change the behaviour of clients from the
server side. That is sure asking for trouble or at least creating
confusion, at best.

But yeah, you already knew that :)

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