January 2015 Archives by thread
Starting: Thu Jan 1 13:07:01 AEDT 2015
Ending: Sat Jan 31 23:25:15 AEDT 2015
Messages: 735
- [LCA2015-Chat] Brewery Visit - Brothers Beer
Andrew Buckeridge
- [LCA2015-Chat] LCA2015 Delegate Wiki hackathon
augur at orcon.net.nz
- [LCA2015-Chat] LCA2015 schedule iCal feed?
Jessica Smith
- [LCA2015-Chat] Sunday registration - times?
Jessica Smith
- [LCA2015-Chat] Fwd: [lca-announce] Traditional LCA events, with some important changes…
Paul Foxworthy
- [LCA2015-Chat] Open hardware tutorial
Kymberly Noronha
- [LCA2015-Chat] Keybase.io invites
Michael Wheeler
- [LCA2015-Chat] VoIP BoF
Jason Lewis
- [LCA2015-Chat] Postgres Replication Tutorial Preparation
Josh Berkus
- [LCA2015-Chat] Hawaii Shirts
Thomas Sprinkmeier
- [LCA2015-Chat] LCA 2015 Debian Miniconf needs you!
Steven Ellis
- [LCA2015-Chat] Arrivals and Departures list
Chris Neugebauer
- [LCA2015-Chat] Train to Wellington - Saturday 17 January
Chris Neugebauer
- [LCA2015-Chat] Important: NZ Biosecurity + prohibited items
Lin Nah
- [LCA2015-Chat] laundry
Russell Coker
- [LCA2015-Chat] Projector for BOF?
Josh Berkus
- [LCA2015-Chat] Tmobile in Auckland?
Josh Berkus
- [LCA2015-Chat] google calendar of schedule
Mark Smith
- [LCA2015-Chat] Shuttle from Airport
Mark Walkom
- [LCA2015-Chat] OpenRadio Miniconf Requirements, Program and Lightning talks
Kim Hawtin
- [LCA2015-Chat] OpenRadio Miniconf Requirements, Program and Lightning talks
Kim Hawtin
- [LCA2015-Chat] OpenRadio Miniconf Requirements, Program and Lightning talks
- [LCA2015-Chat] OpenRadio Miniconf Requirements, Program and Lightning talks
Mike Carden
- [LCA2015-Chat] OpenRadio Miniconf Requirements, Program and Lightning talks
Mark Jessop
- [LCA2015-Chat] OpenRadio Miniconf Requirements, Program and Lightning talks
Mike Carden
- [LCA2015-Chat] OpenRadio Miniconf Requirements, Program and Lightning talks
Joshua Mesilane
- [LCA2015-Chat] OpenRadio Miniconf Requirements, Program and Lightning talks
- [LCA2015-Chat] OpenRadio Miniconf Requirements, Program and Lightning talks
Paul Warren
- [LCA2015-Chat] OpenRadio Miniconf Requirements, Program and Lightning talks
Joshua Mesilane
- [LCA2015-Chat] OpenRadio Miniconf Requirements, Program and Lightning talks
- [LCA2015-Chat] OpenRadio Miniconf Requirements, Program and Lightning talks
- [LCA2015-Chat] OpenRadio Miniconf Requirements, Program and Lightning talks
Bdale Garbee
- [LCA2015-Chat] OpenRadio Miniconf Requirements, Program and Lightning talks
Mark Jessop
- [LCA2015-Chat] TRRS microphone adapter (was OpenRadio Miniconf Requirements, Program and Lightning talks)
Ewen McNeill
- [LCA2015-Chat] TRRS microphone adapter (was OpenRadio Miniconf Requirements, Program and Lightning talks)
- [LCA2015-Chat] OpenRadio Miniconf Requirements, Program and Lightning talks
Kim Hawtin
- [LCA2015-Chat] OpenRadio Miniconf Requirements, Program and Lightning talks
- [LCA2015-Chat] OpenRadio Miniconf Requirements, Program and Lightning talks
Mark Foster
- [LCA2015-Chat] OpenRadio Miniconf Requirements, Program and Lightning talks
- [LCA2015-Chat] OpenRadio Miniconf Requirements, Program and Lightning talks
Kim Hawtin
- [LCA2015-Chat] reply-to all on lists always was broken and still is broken, please revert
- [LCA2015-Chat] reply-to all on lists always was broken and still is broken, please revert
Jethro Carr
- [LCA2015-Chat] reply-to all on lists always was broken and still is broken, please revert
George Patterson
- [LCA2015-Chat] reply-to all on lists always was broken and still is broken, please revert
Russell Coker
- [LCA2015-Chat] reply-to all on lists always was broken and still is broken, please revert
Steven Ellis
- [LCA2015-Chat] reply-to all on lists always was broken and still is broken, please revert
- [LCA2015-Chat] reply-to all on lists always was broken and still is broken, please revert
Jethro Carr
- [LCA2015-Chat] reply-to all on lists always was broken and still is broken, please revert
Jethro Carr
- [LCA2015-Chat] reply-to all on lists always was broken and still is broken, please revert
Andrew Lau
- [LCA2015-Chat] reply-to all on lists always was broken and still is broken, please revert
- [LCA2015-Chat] reply-to all on lists always was broken and still is broken, please revert
Mark Foster
- [LCA2015-Chat] Wikipedia / Wikimedia meetup in Auckland
Lin Nah
- [LCA2015-Chat] Queer BoF Lunch - Tuesday
Dan Hawke
- [LCA2015-Chat] [Chat] Flying with soldering irons
Bruce Clement
- [LCA2015-Chat] Boarding pass - 4th box empty, what should it contain?
Jessica Smith
- [LCA2015-Chat] BlueHackers BoF
John Dalton
- [LCA2015-Chat] Late arrival into Auckland on Sunday, ride share anyone?
Alastair D'Silva
- [LCA2015-Chat] Drupal8 Outta the box - tutorial thursday
Donna Benjamin
- [LCA2015-Chat] touristy things to do near auckland
Mark Smith
- [LCA2015-Chat] Uni Halls facilities
Russell Coker
- [LCA2015-Chat] conference app...
Anthony Towns
- [LCA2015-Chat] Wiki pages for fun stuff, gyms, swimming pools etc
Lin Nah
- [LCA2015-Chat] Wifi and meetings
Russell Coker
- [LCA2015-Chat] Monday schedules?
Paul Gear
- [LCA2015-Chat] Parking at Uni Halls and Carlaw Park
Tabitha Roder
- [LCA2015-Chat] Running BoF
Steven Hanley
- [LCA2015-Chat] URGENT: Help Required at Owen G Glenn 3.15pm
Mark Foster
- [LCA2015-Chat] Fwd: University Hall - Arrival Information
Tabitha Roder
- [LCA2015-Chat] Editing the lca2015 wiki Was Re: Running BoF
Lin Nah
- [LCA2015-Chat] Job Board + Jobs BoF
Lin Nah
- [LCA2015-Chat] Shuttle bus from AKL to Uni Halls and Carlaw Park on 11th January after 1600
Mark Ellem
- [LCA2015-Chat] Uni Halls accommodation
Tabitha Roder
- [LCA2015-Chat] Funny stuff with presentation schedule iCal
Andrew McDonnell
- [LCA2015-Chat] Good malaysian/indonesian in area?
Josh Berkus
- [LCA2015-Chat] Delivery address for BOFs?
Josh Berkus
- [LCA2015-Chat] Fwd: Craft beer places in Auckland CBD
Lin Nah
- [LCA2015-Chat] Weekend markets in Auckland (CBD or closeby)
Lin Nah
- [LCA2015-Chat] Vodafone Travel SIMs
Steve Walsh
- [LCA2015-Chat] Auckland museum
Clinton Roy
- [LCA2015-Chat] Steampunk buttons!
Tom Eastman
- [LCA2015-Chat] INVITATION for 'AWS Geek Meet' - Friday 16th January
Steven Ellis
- [LCA2015-Chat] Pub dinner tonight
Chris Neugebauer
- [LCA2015-Chat] LCA 2015 Delegate WiFi Credentials - Discussion
Steven Ellis
- [LCA2015-Chat] Keysigning - Reminder to submit your key
Daniel Sobey
- [LCA2015-Chat] Multimedia and Music miniconf demo/performance session
Jonathan Woithe
- [LCA2015-Chat] Finders Keepers themed market at silo park today
Lin Nah
- [LCA2015-Chat] Breakfast Monday?
- [LCA2015-Chat] Rego desk?
Eyal Lebedinsky
- [LCA2015-Chat] lca2015 Newcomer's session today 5pm Owen G Glenn Bldg
Lin Nah
- [LCA2015-Chat] Pebble charger
Kymberly Noronha
- [LCA2015-Chat] Flight or travel plans cancelled/delayed?
Lin Nah
- [LCA2015-Chat] Bicycle parking rules
Jason Lewis
- [LCA2015-Chat] Dinner anyone?
Eyal Lebedinsky
- [LCA2015-Chat] Debian Miniconf - Lightning talks
Andrew Ruthven
- [LCA2015-Chat] Real Time BoF?
Camilla Eidem
- [LCA2015-Chat] Tangleball Hackerspace
Patrick Barnes
- [LCA2015-Chat] Ansible bof
Simon Lyall
- [LCA2015-Chat] Ingress bof
Daniel Sobey
- [LCA2015-Chat] OpenRadio Mini conf
Mark Jessop
- [LCA2015-Chat] Display Port to HDMI Adapter for Thursday Morning
Cooper Lees
- [LCA2015-Chat] T-Shirt Swap
Richard Bywater
- [LCA2015-Chat] Hackerspace visit
Alastair D'Silva
- [LCA2015-Chat] For Attendees with Special dietary requirements
Lin Nah
- [LCA2015-Chat] Missing laptop
Amanda Jackson
- [LCA2015-Chat] Staying at Uni Halls or Carlaw Park? READ THIS - FREE GIFT
Tabitha Roder
- [LCA2015-Chat] Using Wicd on LCA 2015 WiFI (was Re: [LCA2015-Announce] REMINDER - LCA 2015 Delegate WiFi Credentials - Confidential)
Martin Schwenke
- [LCA2015-Chat] Any gathering for Dinner?
Emmanuel Bretelle
- [LCA2015-Chat] Dinner
Jason Lewis
- [LCA2015-Chat] Fwd: Found: Lenovo PSU
Mark Foster
- [LCA2015-Chat] Interval Training BoF
Ryan Stuart
- [LCA2015-Chat] openradio mini conf afterparty
Jack Moffitt
- [LCA2015-Chat] Op-shop BoF - Tuesday lunch
Katie McLaughlin
- [LCA2015-Chat] Uni Halls Laundry
Russell Coker
- [LCA2015-Chat] LCA2018 and beyond BoF
Joshua Hesketh
- [LCA2015-Chat] Steve Walsh
Rachael Blemings
- [LCA2015-Chat] Lost Property
Rachael Blemings
- [LCA2015-Chat] Talk of possible interest to going to crypto bof ppl
Andrew McDonnell
- [LCA2015-Chat] Makers' BoF
Alastair D'Silva
- [LCA2015-Chat] Small screwdriver for MacBook Pro
Matthew Cengia
- [LCA2015-Chat] Thanks to outgoing council members
Joshua Hesketh
- [LCA2015-Chat] Uni Halls and Carlaw Park - toilet paper
Tabitha Roder
- [LCA2015-Chat] Coffee cards + orders
Lin Nah
- [LCA2015-Chat] LCA 2015 Lightning talk slots now available
Steven Ellis
- [LCA2015-Chat] Post-LCA2015 Beer O'Clock @ Catalyst IT Auckland on Friday
Steven Ellis
- [LCA2015-Chat] Open Hardware Talk Schedule has changed
Angus Gratton
- [LCA2015-Chat] Steampunk supplies (was op shop bof)
Katie McLaughlin
- [LCA2015-Chat] BlueHackers BoF on tonight
John Dalton
- [LCA2015-Chat] Emacs BoF
Jason Lewis
- [LCA2015-Chat] Sysadmin Miniconf slides
Ewen McNeill
- [LCA2015-Chat] Personal Crypto & Security BOF
Daniel Bryan
- [LCA2015-Chat] Pub tonight?
Joshua Mesilane
- [LCA2015-Chat] Wanted to borrow: HDMI cable, USB keyboard, breadboard wires
Angus Gratton
- [LCA2015-Chat] Carlaw Park residents - free dishwashing liquid
Chris Edsall
- [LCA2015-Chat] [LCA2015-Announce] WiFi Debian wpa_supplicant via if-up /etc/interfaces
Andrew Buckeridge
- [LCA2015-Chat] Update on Postgres Replication Tutorial
Josh Berkus
- [LCA2015-Chat] REMINDER 'AWS Geek Meet' - Friday 16th January
Steven Ellis
- [LCA2015-Chat] Multimedia and Music miniconf slides
Jonathan Woithe
- [LCA2015-Chat] Need help with luggage storage in Auckland for 2 weeks
- [LCA2015-Chat] Stickers for dark backgrounds?
Delan Azabani
- [LCA2015-Chat] Non-penguin dinner
Simon Lyall
- [LCA2015-Chat] Apathy BoF
Peter Lawler
- [LCA2015-Chat] Lunch time BoF's
Steven Ellis
- [LCA2015-Chat] SimpleBots on the conference WiFi
Angus Gratton
- [LCA2015-Chat] Lunch time BoFs
Lin Nah
- [LCA2015-Chat] Delegates with no bags, t-shirts or wrong size - Please see Rego ASAP
Steven Ellis
- [LCA2015-Chat] Astronomy BoF Thursday night - IMPORTANT UPDATE
Jessica Smith
- [LCA2015-Chat] Reverse engineering tutorial
Andrew McDonnell
- [LCA2015-Chat] Radio BoF
Paul Warren
- [LCA2015-Chat] Transport to Penguin Dinner tonight
Michael Ludvig
- [LCA2015-Chat] Call for help: Debian on a Nexus 4 (or 5)
Adam Baxter
- [LCA2015-Chat] QML tutorial update
Tomas Marko Miljenović
- [LCA2015-Chat] Keysigning BoF: gcaff patch to go through keys in same order as paper
Geordie Millar
- [LCA2015-Chat] Martial arts BoF?
Jonathan Oxer
- [LCA2015-Chat] Go Kart Vouchers
Kymberly Noronha
- [LCA2015-Chat] Any interest in an LMDB BoF
Ryan Stuart
- [LCA2015-Chat] Motat revisited
Joshua Mesilane
- [LCA2015-Chat] Dinner venue
Mike Carden
- [LCA2015-Chat] Outreach Program for Women Lunch on Friday
Karen Sandler
- [LCA2015-Chat] Lost: Gemalto MFA keyfob
Andrew Lau
- [LCA2015-Chat] Any lawyers/JPs here?
Michael Cordover
- [LCA2015-Chat] keysigning party
Delan Azabani
- [LCA2015-Chat] Glasses lost/swapped Vultures Lane last night
Simon Lyall
- [LCA2015-Chat] OpenRadio sofware BoF session
Kim Hawtin
- [LCA2015-Chat] Using free software to run your business BoF
Jason Lewis
- [LCA2015-Chat] FPGA BOF? Meet at lunch today near chairs+tables near food..
Tim Ansell
- [LCA2015-Chat] Lost and found iphone
Tabitha Roder
- [LCA2015-Chat] Auckland's top 100 cheap eats
Lin Nah
- [LCA2015-Chat] Facebook Diversity Follow-Up
Cooper Lees
- [LCA2015-Chat] your lca2015 photos, vids, blogs, code, articles etc
Lin Nah
- [LCA2015-Chat] think of good questions for tomorrows QA keynote
Andrew Tridgell
- [LCA2015-Chat] Anyone with good camera?
Lin Nah
- [LCA2015-Chat] UnPDNS tonight -- Elliott Stables
Chris Neugebauer
- [LCA2015-Chat] Checking out of Uni Halls
Steven Sykes
- [LCA2015-Chat] GSoC type thing in New Zealand
Andrew Ruthven
- [LCA2015-Chat] Raffle
Amanda Jackson
- [LCA2015-Chat] Engineering Security, by Peter Gutmann
Julien Goodwin
- [LCA2015-Chat] Astronomy BoF TONIGHT - final reminder
Jessica Smith
- [LCA2015-Chat] Transport for the RocketLaunch on Saturday
- [LCA2015-Chat] Auckland penguin image
Kymberly Noronha
- [LCA2015-Chat] RFC Parenting Miniconf at lca2016
William Mckee
- [LCA2015-Chat] Subreddit
Phillip Smith
- [LCA2015-Chat] Penguins in Auckland and NZ
Mike Carden
- [LCA2015-Chat] Electric vehicle display Sunday 1pm Aotea Centre
Paul Wayper
- [LCA2015-Chat] Vultures lane dinner
Paul Del
- [LCA2015-Chat] Donate your unwanted swag or gear or sim cards please
Steven Ellis
- [LCA2015-Chat] Sunday airport shuttle
Andrew McDonnell
- [LCA2015-Chat] Plans for Sunday 18 Jan 2015?
Lin Nah
- [LCA2015-Chat] #IStandWithLinus
Russell Coker
- [LCA2015-Chat] Christchurch folk interested in FP ?
Robert Collins
- [LCA2015-Chat] Pohutukawa aka NZ Christmas tree - those trees with red flowers
Lin Nah
- [LCA2015-Chat] Still in Auckland? Breakfast or Dinner on Thurs 22 Jan?
Lin Nah
- [LCA2015-Chat] If you're in Auckland again...
Lin Nah
- [LCA2015-Chat] un-ripping a DVD
Thomas Sprinkmeier
- [LCA2015-Chat] Video status
Jim Cheetham
- [LCA2015-Chat] Auckland's 175th Anniversary this weekend
Lin Nah
- [LCA2015-Chat] Video processing update
Carl Karsten
- [LCA2015-Chat] Thanks for the donations of tools to Tangleball
- [LCA2015-Chat] FORTRAN Makefile and USE-MODULE dependency script
Andrew Buckeridge
- [LCA2015-Chat] Youtube, Social media + other linux.conf.au links
Lin Nah
Last message date:
Sat Jan 31 23:25:15 AEDT 2015
Archived on: Sat Jan 31 23:25:27 AEDT 2015
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).