[LCA2015-Chat] RFC Parenting Miniconf at lca2016

Thomas Sprinkmeier thomas.sprinkmeier at gmail.com
Sat Jan 17 20:37:02 AEDT 2015

On 01/17/15 09:14, Jared Ring wrote:
> Calling all parents, educators and other interested parties!


> As an aside, how awesome would it be that at a future LCA, one of the tracks in the open hardware miniconf was aimed at kids? And our kids went to that as part of the partners program for that day?

I been wanting to do a "geekling daycare" at an LCA, count me in!

We'll need a bunch of activities for a rather wide age range, but with Squishy Circuits and Simplebots and everything in between we should be OK.


> --
> Cheers
> Jared

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