[LCA2015-Chat] For Attendees with Special dietary requirements
daro at posteo.de
Tue Jan 13 14:33:43 EST 2015
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Are you seriously surprised? How many people have principled reasons to
ask for no reason, and how many legitimate ones for asking for lots?
On Tue, 13 Jan 2015 16:30:49 +1300
Peter Lawler <lca2015-chat at bleeter.id.au> wrote:
|On 13/01/15 07:25, Amanda Jackson wrote:
|> These meals are prepared
|> separately and carefully, but again, they aren't going to list every
single |> thing on the label, there isn't room for some of them, they
will just put |> your name and the main item.
|I can't help but think of what Eben talked about this morning, that
|Freedom and Transparency in all things is important. I'm not intending
|to single out this conference, or the catering provided. But along the
|lines of what Tabitha and Jim mentioned in this thread, it's a problem
|across the entire food industry and it behooves us as Freedom and
|Transparency technology advocates to encourage those who prepare the
|food we eat (among the many many other items in our society) to be
Free |and Transparent as well.
|> Some of the food requests on the site were a little on the frivolous
side - |> i.e. Food requirement - beersies, bacon. Special requirements
- - more |> beersies, more bacon. And so on... yeah, we may have ignored
those ones. |> ;-) However, rest assured, there will be beer available
at the events. Not |> sure about the bacon though.
|Although I posted originally in jest, I'm still amused from a
|social-hacking perspective that my attempt to receive as much bacon as
|possible has been converted (presumably due to a misunderstanding of
my |intention without checking) as a request for no bacon whatsoever.
|Ah well, as long as I don't miss out on any potential bacon at the
|Penguin Dinner, I'm sure I'll survive ;)
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